Toyota Corolla Manuals

Toyota Corolla: Vehicle specifications / Specifications

Vehicle specifications


Maintenance data (fuel, oil level, etc.)

Dimensions and weight Seating capacity Seating capacity 5 (Front 2, Rear 3)..

Other information:

Toyota Corolla 2019-2025 Owners Manual: If a warning message is displayed

The multi-information display shows warnings for system malfunctions and incorrectly performed operations, and messages that indicate a need for maintenance. When a message is displayed, perform the appropriate corrective action for the message. If a warning message is displayed again after the appropriate actions have been performed, contact your Toyota dealer. Additionally, if a warning light..

Toyota Corolla 2019-2025 Owners Manual: Multi-information display

Display and menu icons ■ Display ► 4.2-inch display A - Driving support system status display area Displays an image when the following systems are operating and a menu icon other than is selected: LTA (Lane Tracing Assist) (if equipped) LDA (Lane Departure Alert with steering control) (if equipped) Dynamic radar cruise control (if equipped) Dynamic radar cruise control with full-speed..


iMT (Intelligent Manual Transmission)

The iMT optimally controls the engine speed to suit the driver’s operation of the clutch pedal and shift lever, helping the driver to shift gears more smoothly. Additionally, when the clutch pedal is operated, the iMT helps reduce shift shock, allowing for lighter shift operations when driving on a winding road or incline.

Press the “iMT” switch.

Toyota Corolla. iMT (Intelligent Manual Transmission)

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