Toyota Corolla Manuals

Toyota Corolla: Interior features / Using the storage features

Using the interior lights. Interior lights list

Location of the interior lights A - Rear interior light B - Door trim lights C - Front interior/personal lights D - Center tray light E - Cup holder lights Operating the interior lights ■ Front 1 Turns the door position on/off When a door is opened while the door position is on, the lights turn on...

List of storage features

Location of the storage features A - Bottle holders/door pockets B - Open trays C - Glove box D - Cup holders E - Console box WARNING ■ Items that should not be left in the storage spaces Do not leave glasses, lighters or spray cans in the storage spaces, as this may cause the following when cabin temperature becomes high: Glasses may be deformed by heat or cracked if they come into contact ..

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Toyota Corolla 2019-2024 Owners Manual: Maintenance requirements

To ensure safe and economical driving, day-to-day care and regular maintenance are essential. It is the owner’s responsibility to perform regular checks. Toyota recommends the maintenance below. ■ Repair and replacement It is recommended that genuine Toyota parts be used for repairs to ensure performance of each system. If non-Toyota parts are used in replacement or if a repair shop other ..

Toyota Corolla 2019-2024 Owners Manual: What to do if... (Bluetooth ®). Troubleshooting

If there is a problem with the hands-free system or a Bluetooth® device, first check the table below. Troubleshooting ■ When using the hands-free system with a Bluetooth® device The hands-free system or Bluetooth ® device does not work. ■ When registering/connecting a cellular phone A cellular phone cannot be registered. A Bluetooth® connection cannot be made. ■ When making/receivin..


Engine immobilizer system

The vehicle’s keys have built-in transponder chips that prevent the engine from starting if a key has not been previously registered in the vehicle’s on-board computer.

Never leave the keys inside the vehicle when you leave the vehicle.

This system is designed to help prevent vehicle theft but does not guarantee absolute security against all vehicle thefts.

Operating the system

Toyota Corolla. Engine immobilizer system

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